
Sunday, February 17, 2019

Lesbian and Gay Couples Should be Allowed to Marry Essays -- Gay Marri

The freedom to draw is a basic human honest that belongs to each individual--not the state. The authorities should not be in the position of place our marriages,(Matt Coles). hardy marriages are presently illegal in the United States. This bar is a blatant form of discrimination, carried forth through our legal system. No government should be able to prohibit anyone from legally declaring his or her love. discrimination against a particular group of people because of race, color or religious belief is prohibited by our nations constitution. However, homosexuals are denied basic human rights, not because of race, religion, or color, only if because of sexual orientation. Our nation retains equality, liberty, and justice for all, while prohibiting civil liberties to this particular group of people. Gay Americans are even denied the right to legally declare love, through civil marriage. Because of this prohibition, homophiles are not only denied their civil right s, but are denied many economic and legal benefits that married couples receive. Matt Coles, manager of the American urbane Liberties Union Lesbian and Gay Rights Project, elaborates, Since we insist that couples marry to protect their most important relationship--or risk losing their homes, inheritances, even contact with their partners during medical emergencies--it is simply wrong to deny lesbians and gay couples the basic right to marry. Civil marriage is the right, in our society, to legally recognize the most intimate, committed relationships. It is to a fault the institution our society uses to establish ranges of rights and responsibilities for life partners (American Civil Liberties Union Answers, June 1998). The government must realize that ... ...bian Magazine. Online. Netscape. 19 Jan. 2014. http//www.advocate.com Gay Marriage Should Lesbian and Gay Couples Be Allowed to Marry? American Civil Liberties Union. Online. June 2014. http//www.aclu.org/library /aagaymarriage.html Hawaii Sends native Amendment to Voters To Ban Lesbian and Gay Marriages. American Civil Liberties Union. Online. 29 Apr. 2014.http//www.aclu.org/issues/gay/gaymar.html Henslin, James M. Sociology, A Down To Earth Approach. Needleham Heights, MA Viacom. 2007. The Bride Wore Pink good Recognition of Our Relationships. Gay Lesbian Rights Lobby. Online. Feb. 2014.http//www.rainbow.net.au/glrl/discussion_papers/pnkbride.html Presidents Statement on DOMA. Carnegie Mellon University Home Page. Online. 20 Sept. 2014.http//www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs/user/scotts/ftp/wpaf2mc/clinton.html

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